Sabba Di Altobello
Sabba Di Altobello
- Trofeo Caliandro 2010 Winner - Best brown female (Pezzano, Polifrone, Coppo) V3 Open class IDC 2010 (Gabriela Ridarcikova) Speciality Show , Backa Palanka - V1, CAC, Best brown female ( Erika Szokol) Serbian Club Show - V1, CAC, Club Winner 2010 (Natalia Foht) Champion of Montenegro International Show of the Kennel Club of Greece (15/05/2011) CAC-CACIB,Qualification for Crufts 2012 International Show of the Kennel Club of Greece (26/06/2011) CAC-CACIB,Best of Breed (Rony Doedijns)
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- None found in database.
- None found in database.